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Tidier.jl updates

v1.4.0 - 2024-04-19

  • Add and re-export TidierDB.jl as DB

  • Add and re-export TidierFiles.jl

v1.3.0 - 2024-04-09

  • Update minimum Julia required version to 1.9

  • Base package version updates

  • New documentation

v1.2.1 - 2024-01-02

  • Base package version updates

v1.2.0 - 2023-11-28

  • Add and re-export TidierText.jl

  • Bugfix: Re-export TidierVest.jl (forgot to do this in 1.1.0)

v1.1.0 - 2023-11-18

  • Update versions of base packages

  • Add TidierVest.jl

v1.0.0 - 2023-08-07

  • Convert Tidier.jl to a meta-package that only re-exports other Tidier packages

v0.7.7 - 2023-07-15

  • Added documentation on how to interpolate variables inside of for loops. Note: !! interpolation doesn't work inside of for loops because macros are expanded during parsing and not at runtime.

  • Fixed bug in parse_pivot_arg() to enable interpolation inside of pivoting functions when used inside a for loop.

  • Added cumsum(), cumprod(), and accumulate() to the do-not-vectorize list.

v0.7.6 - 2023-05-04

  • Fixed bug to allow multiple columns in @distinct() separated by commas or using selection helpers.

v0.7.5 - 2023-04-30

  • Fixed bug to ensure that && and || are auto-vectorized

  • Added docstrings and examples to show different ways of filtering by multiple "and" conditions, including &&, &, and separating multiple expressions with commas.

v0.7.4 - 2023-04-11

  • Added as_float(), as_integer(), and as_string()

v0.7.3 - 2023-04-10

  • Added @glimpse()

v0.7.2 - 2023-04-05

  • Moved repo to TidierOrg

v0.7.1 - 2023-04-01

  • Added @drop_na() with optional column selection parameter

  • Re-exported lead() and lag() from ShiftedArrays.jl and added both to the do-not-vectorize list

  • Bug fix: Fixed ntile() condition for when all elements are missing

v0.7.0 - 2023-03-27

  • Added @count() and @tally()

  • Added @bind_rows() and @bind_cols()

  • Added @clean_names() to mimic R's janitor::clean_names() by wrapping the Cleaner.jl package

  • Added support for backticks to select columns containing spaces.

  • Added support for ntile(), which is on the do-not-vectorize list because it takes in a vector and returns a vector.

  • Bug fix: removed selection helpers (startswith, contains, and endswith from the do-not-vectorize list).

v0.6.0 - 2023-03-18

  • Added @distinct(). It behaves slightly differently from dplyr when provided arguments in that it returns all columns, not just the selected ones.

  • Added support for n() and row_number().

  • Added support for negative selection helper functions (e.g., -contains("a")).

  • Added support for negative selection using ! (e.g., !a, !(a:b), !contains("a")).

  • In @pivot_longer(), the names_to and values_to arguments now also support strings (in addition to bare unquoted names).

  • In @pivot_wider(), the names_from and values_from arguments now also support strings (in addition to bare unquoted names).

  • Bug fix: @mutate(a = 1) or any scalar previously errored because the 1 was being wrapped inside a QuoteNode. Now, 1 is correctly broadcasted.

  • Bug fix: @slice(df, 1,2,1) previously only returned rows 1 and 2 only (and not 1 again). @slice(df, 1,2,1) now returns rows 1, 2, and 1 again.

  • Bug fix: added repeat() to the do-not-vectorize list.

v0.5.0 - 2023-03-10

  • Added @pivot_wider() and @pivot_wider().

  • Added if_else() and case_when().

  • Updated documentation to include Main.variable example as an alternative syntax for interpolation.

  • Simplified internal use of subset() by using keyword argument of skipmissing = true instead of using coalesce(..., false).

  • For developers: doctests can now be run locally using runtests.jl.

v0.4.1 - 2023-03-05

  • In addition to in being auto-vectorized as before, the second argument is automatically wrapped inside of Ref(Set(arg2)) if not already done to ensure that it is evaluated correctly and fast. See: for details. This same behavior is also implemented for and .

  • Added documentation and docstrings for new in behavior with @filter() and @mutate().

  • Improved interpolation to support values and not just column names. Note: there is a change of behavior now for strings, which are treated as values and not as column names. Updated examples in the documentation webpage for interpolation.

  • Bug fix: Re-exported Cols() because this is required for interpolated columns inside of across(). Previously, this was passing tests because using RDatasets was exporting Cols().

v0.4.0 - 2023-02-29

  • Rewrote the parsing engine to remove all regular expression and string parsing

  • Selection helpers now work within both @select() and across().

  • @group_by() now sorts the groups (similar to dplyr) and supports tidy expressions, for example @group_by(df, d = b + c).

  • @slice() now supports grouped data frames. For example, @slice(gdf, 1:2) will slice the first 2 rows from each group if gdf is a grouped data frame.

  • All functions now work correctly with both grouped and ungrouped data frames following dplyr behavior. In other words, all functions retain grouping for grouped data frames (e.g., ungroup = false), other than @summarize(), which "peels off" one layer of grouping in a similar fashion to dplyr.

  • Added @ungroup to explicitly remove grouping

  • Added @pull macro to extract vectors

  • Added joins: @left_join(), @right_join(), @inner_join(), and @full_join(), which support natural joins (i.e., where no by argument is given) or explicit joins by providing keys. All join functions ungroup both data frames before joining.

  • Added starts_with() as an alias for Julia's startswith(), ends_with() as an alias for Julia's endswith(), and matches() as an alias for Julia's Regex().

  • Enabled interpolation of global user variables using !! similar to R's rlang.

  • Enabled a ~ tilde operator to mark functions (or operators) as unvectorized so that Tidier.jl does not "auto-vectorize" them.

  • Disabled @info logging of generated DataFrames.jl code. This code can be shown by setting an option using the new Tidier_set() function.

  • Fixed a bug where functions were evaluated inside the module, which meant that user-provided functions would not work.

  • @filter() now skips rows that evaluate to missing values.

  • Re-export a handful of functions from the DataFrames.jl package.

  • Added doctests to all examples in the docstrings.

v0.3.0 - 2023-02-11

  • Updated auto-vectorization so that operators are vectorized differently from other types of functions. This leads to nicer printing of the generated DataFrames.jl code. For example, 1 .+ 1 instead of (+).(1,1)

  • The generated DataFrames.jl code now prints to the screen

  • Updated the ordering of columns when using across() so that each column is summarized in consecutive columns (e.g., Rating_mean, Rating_median, Budget_mean, Budget_median) instead of being organized by function (e.g. of prior ordering: Rating_mean, Budget_mean, Rating_median, Budget_median)

  • Added exported functions for across() and desc() as a placeholder for documentation, though these functions will throw an error if called because they should only be called inside of Tidier macros

  • Corrected GitHub actions and added tests (contributed by @rdboyes)

  • Bumped version to 0.3.0

v0.2.0 - 2023-02-09

  • Fixed bug with @rename() so that it supports multiple arguments

  • Added support for numerical selection (both positive and negative) to @select()

  • Added support for @slice(), including positive and negative indexing

  • Added support for @arrange(), including the use of desc() to specify descending order

  • Added support for across(), which has been confirmed to work with both @mutate(), @summarize(), and @summarise().

  • Updated auto-vectorization so that @summarize and @summarise do not vectorize any functions

  • Re-export Statistics and Chain.jl

  • Bumped version to 0.2.0

v0.1.0 - 2023-02-07

  • Initial release, version 0.1.0