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The goal of this package is to replicate the beauty of stringr from R in Julia in a way that works with Tidier or as a stand alone function.

This package includes:

Category Function
Matching str_count, str_detect, str_locate, str_locate_all, str_replace, str_replace_all,
str_remove, str_remove_all, str_split, str_starts, str_ends, str_subset, str_which
Concatenation str_c, str_flatten, str_flatten_comma
Characters str_dup, str_length, str_width, str_trim, str_squish, str_wrap, str_pad
Locale str_equal, str_to_upper, str_to_lower, str_to_title, str_to_sentence, str_unique
Other str_conv, str_like, str_replace_missing, word