
Filtering is a mechanism to indicate which rows you want to keep in a dataset based on criteria. This is also referred to as subsetting. Filtering rows is normally a bit tricky in DataFrames.jl because comparison operators like >= actually need to be vectorized as .>=, which can catch new Julia users by surprise. @filter() mimics R's tidyverse behavior by auto-vectorizing the code and then only selecting those rows that evaluate to true. Similar to dplyr, rows that evaluate to missing are skipped.

using Tidier
using RDatasets

movies = dataset("ggplot2", "movies");

Let’s take a look at the movies whose budget was more than average. We will select only the first 5 rows for the sake of brevity.

@chain movies begin
    @mutate(Budget = Budget / 1_000_000)
    @filter(Budget >= mean(skipmissing(Budget)))
    @select(Title, Budget)
5×2 DataFrame
1'Til There Was You23.0
210 Things I Hate About You16.0
3102 Dalmatians85.0
413 Going On 3037.0
513th Warrior, The85.0

Now let's see how to use @filter() with in. Here's an example with a tuple.

@chain movies begin
  @filter(Title in ("101 Dalmatians", "102 Dalmatians"))
2×5 DataFrame
1101 Dalmatians1996103missing5.5
2102 Dalmatians2000100850000004.7

We can also use @filter() with in using a vector, denoted by a [].

@chain movies begin
  @filter(Title in ["101 Dalmatians", "102 Dalmatians"])
2×5 DataFrame
1101 Dalmatians1996103missing5.5
2102 Dalmatians2000100850000004.7

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