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Supported Functions

using Tidier
using TidierStrings
using DataFrames, Chain

df = DataFrame(
  Names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dave", "Eve", "Frank", "Grace"],
  City = ["New York        2019-20", "Los    \n\n\n\n\n\n    Angeles 2007-12 2020-21", "San Antonio 1234567890         ", "       New York City", "LA         2022-23", "Philadelphia            2023-24", "San Jose               9876543210"],
  Occupation = ["Doctor", "Engineer", "Final Artist", "Scientist", "Physician", "Lawyer", "Teacher"],
  Description = ["Alice is a doctor in New York",
                 "Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles",
                 "Charlie is an artist in Chicago",
                 "Dave is a scientist in Houston",
                 "Eve is a physician  in Phoenix",
                 "Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia",
                 "Grace is a teacher in San Antonio"]
7×4 DataFrame
1AliceNew York 2019-20DoctorAlice is a doctor in New York
2BobLos \n\n\n\n\n\n Angeles 2007-12 2020-21EngineerBob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles
3CharlieSan Antonio 1234567890 Final ArtistCharlie is an artist in Chicago
4Dave New York CityScientistDave is a scientist in Houston
5EveLA 2022-23PhysicianEve is a physician in Phoenix
6FrankPhiladelphia 2023-24LawyerFrank is a lawyer in Philadelphia
7GraceSan Jose 9876543210TeacherGrace is a teacher in San Antonio

Support Regex: str_detect, str_replace, str_replace_all, str_remove, str_remove_all str_count, str_equal, str_subset


Removes leading and trailing white spaces from a string and also replaces consecutive white spaces in between words with a single space. It will also remove new lines.

df = @chain df begin
    @mutate(City = str_squish(City))
7×4 DataFrame
1AliceNew York 2019-20DoctorAlice is a doctor in New York
2BobLos Angeles 2007-12 2020-21EngineerBob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles
3CharlieSan Antonio 1234567890Final ArtistCharlie is an artist in Chicago
4DaveNew York CityScientistDave is a scientist in Houston
5EveLA 2022-23PhysicianEve is a physician in Phoenix
6FrankPhiladelphia 2023-24LawyerFrank is a lawyer in Philadelphia
7GraceSan Jose 9876543210TeacherGrace is a teacher in San Antonio

str_replace(), str_replace_all¤

Replaces the first occurrence of a pattern in a string with a specified text. Takes a string, pattern to search for, and the replacement text as arguments. It also supports the use of regex and logical operator | . This is in contrast to str_replace_all() which will replace each occurence of a match within a string.

@chain df begin
  @mutate(City = str_replace(City, r"\s*20\d{2}-\d{2,4}\s*", " ####-## "))
  #@mutate(Occupation = str_replace_all(Occupation, "Doctor | Physician ", "Doctor"))
  @mutate(Description = str_replace(Description, "is | a", "4 "))

7×4 DataFrame
1AliceNew York ####-## DoctorAlice 4 a doctor in New York
2BobLos Angeles ####-## 2020-21EngineerBob 4 is is an engineer in Los Angeles
3CharlieSan Antonio 1234567890Final ArtistCharlie 4 an artist in Chicago
4DaveNew York CityScientistDave 4 a scientist in Houston
5EveLA ####-## PhysicianEve 4 a physician in Phoenix
6FrankPhiladelphia ####-## LawyerFrank 4 a lawyer in Philadelphia
7GraceSan Jose 9876543210TeacherGrace 4 a teacher in San Antonio

str_remove(), str_remove_all()¤

These functions will remove the first occurence or all occurences of a match, respectively.

@chain df begin
    @mutate(split = str_remove_all(Description, "is"))
7×5 DataFrame
1AliceNew York 2019-20DoctorAlice is a doctor in New YorkAlice a doctor in New York
2BobLos Angeles 2007-12 2020-21EngineerBob is is is an engineer in Los AngelesBob an engineer in Los Angeles
3CharlieSan Antonio 1234567890Final ArtistCharlie is an artist in ChicagoCharlie an artt in Chicago
4DaveNew York CityScientistDave is a scientist in HoustonDave a scientt in Houston
5EveLA 2022-23PhysicianEve is a physician in PhoenixEve a physician in Phoenix
6FrankPhiladelphia 2023-24LawyerFrank is a lawyer in PhiladelphiaFrank a lawyer in Philadelphia
7GraceSan Jose 9876543210TeacherGrace is a teacher in San AntonioGrace a teacher in San Antonio


Checks if a pattern exists in a string. It takes a string and a pattern as arguments and returns a boolean indicating the presence of the pattern in the string. This can be used inside of @filter, @mutate, if_else() and case_when(). str_detect supports logical operators | and &. case_when() with filter() and str_detect().

@chain df begin
    @mutate(Occupation = if_else(str_detect(Occupation, "Doctor | Physician"), "Physician", Occupation))
    @filter(str_detect(Description, "artist | doctor"))
2×4 DataFrame
1AliceNew York 2019-20PhysicianAlice is a doctor in New York
2CharlieSan Antonio 1234567890Final ArtistCharlie is an artist in Chicago


@chain df begin
    @mutate(state = case_when(str_detect(City, "NYC | New York") => "NY",
        str_detect(City, "LA | Los Angeles | San & Jose") => "CA", true => "other"))
7×5 DataFrame
1AliceNew York 2019-20DoctorAlice is a doctor in New YorkNY
2BobLos Angeles 2007-12 2020-21EngineerBob is is is an engineer in Los AngelesCA
3CharlieSan Antonio 1234567890Final ArtistCharlie is an artist in Chicagoother
4DaveNew York CityScientistDave is a scientist in HoustonNY
5EveLA 2022-23PhysicianEve is a physician in PhoenixCA
6FrankPhiladelphia 2023-24LawyerFrank is a lawyer in Philadelphiaother
7GraceSan Jose 9876543210TeacherGrace is a teacher in San AntonioCA


Checks if two strings are exactly the same. Takes two strings as arguments and returns a boolean indicating whether the strings are identical.

@chain df begin
    @mutate(Same_City = case_when(str_equal(City, Occupation) => "Yes", true => "No"))
7×5 DataFrame
1AliceNew York 2019-20DoctorAlice is a doctor in New YorkNo
2BobLos Angeles 2007-12 2020-21EngineerBob is is is an engineer in Los AngelesNo
3CharlieSan Antonio 1234567890Final ArtistCharlie is an artist in ChicagoNo
4DaveNew York CityScientistDave is a scientist in HoustonNo
5EveLA 2022-23PhysicianEve is a physician in PhoenixNo
6FrankPhiladelphia 2023-24LawyerFrank is a lawyer in PhiladelphiaNo
7GraceSan Jose 9876543210TeacherGrace is a teacher in San AntonioNo

str_to_upper(), str_to_lower()¤

These will take a string and convert it to all uppercase or lowercase

@chain df begin
    @mutate(Names = str_to_upper(Names))
7×4 DataFrame
1ALICENew York 2019-20DoctorAlice is a doctor in New York
2BOBLos Angeles 2007-12 2020-21EngineerBob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles
3CHARLIESan Antonio 1234567890Final ArtistCharlie is an artist in Chicago
4DAVENew York CityScientistDave is a scientist in Houston
5EVELA 2022-23PhysicianEve is a physician in Phoenix
6FRANKPhiladelphia 2023-24LawyerFrank is a lawyer in Philadelphia
7GRACESan Jose 9876543210TeacherGrace is a teacher in San Antonio


Returns the subset of strings that match a pattern. Takes a vector of strings and a pattern as arguments and returns all elements of a string that contains the pattern.

@chain df begin
    @mutate(split = str_subset(Description, "artist"))
7×5 DataFrame
1AliceNew York 2019-20DoctorAlice is a doctor in New York
2BobLos Angeles 2007-12 2020-21EngineerBob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles
3CharlieSan Antonio 1234567890Final ArtistCharlie is an artist in ChicagoCharlie is an artist in Chicago
4DaveNew York CityScientistDave is a scientist in Houston
5EveLA 2022-23PhysicianEve is a physician in Phoenix
6FrankPhiladelphia 2023-24LawyerFrank is a lawyer in Philadelphia
7GraceSan Jose 9876543210TeacherGrace is a teacher in San Antonio

This page was generated using Literate.jl.