Supported Functions
using Tidier
using TidierStrings
using DataFrames, Chain
df = DataFrame(
Names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dave", "Eve", "Frank", "Grace"],
City = ["New York 2019-20", "Los \n\n\n\n\n\n Angeles 2007-12 2020-21", "San Antonio 1234567890 ", " New York City", "LA 2022-23", "Philadelphia 2023-24", "San Jose 9876543210"],
Occupation = ["Doctor", "Engineer", "Final Artist", "Scientist", "Physician", "Lawyer", "Teacher"],
Description = ["Alice is a doctor in New York",
"Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles",
"Charlie is an artist in Chicago",
"Dave is a scientist in Houston",
"Eve is a physician in Phoenix",
"Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia",
"Grace is a teacher in San Antonio"]
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description |
String | String | String | String | |
1 | Alice | New York 2019-20 | Doctor | Alice is a doctor in New York |
2 | Bob | Los \n\n\n\n\n\n Angeles 2007-12 2020-21 | Engineer | Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles |
3 | Charlie | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie is an artist in Chicago |
4 | Dave | New York City | Scientist | Dave is a scientist in Houston |
5 | Eve | LA 2022-23 | Physician | Eve is a physician in Phoenix |
6 | Frank | Philadelphia 2023-24 | Lawyer | Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia |
7 | Grace | San Jose 9876543210 | Teacher | Grace is a teacher in San Antonio |
Support Regex: str_detect
, str_replace
, str_replace_all
, str_remove
, str_remove_all
, str_equal
, str_subset
Removes leading and trailing white spaces from a string and also replaces consecutive white spaces in between words with a single space. It will also remove new lines.
df = @chain df begin
@mutate(City = str_squish(City))
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description |
String | String | String | String | |
1 | Alice | New York 2019-20 | Doctor | Alice is a doctor in New York |
2 | Bob | Los Angeles 2007-12 2020-21 | Engineer | Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles |
3 | Charlie | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie is an artist in Chicago |
4 | Dave | New York City | Scientist | Dave is a scientist in Houston |
5 | Eve | LA 2022-23 | Physician | Eve is a physician in Phoenix |
6 | Frank | Philadelphia 2023-24 | Lawyer | Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia |
7 | Grace | San Jose 9876543210 | Teacher | Grace is a teacher in San Antonio |
, str_replace_all
Replaces the first occurrence of a pattern in a string with a specified text. Takes a string, pattern to search for, and the replacement text as arguments. It also supports the use of regex and logical operator | . This is in contrast to str_replace_all()
which will replace each occurence of a match within a string.
@chain df begin
@mutate(City = str_replace(City, r"\s*20\d{2}-\d{2,4}\s*", " ####-## "))
#@mutate(Occupation = str_replace_all(Occupation, "Doctor | Physician ", "Doctor"))
@mutate(Description = str_replace(Description, "is | a", "4 "))
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description |
String | String | String | String | |
1 | Alice | New York ####-## | Doctor | Alice 4 a doctor in New York |
2 | Bob | Los Angeles ####-## 2020-21 | Engineer | Bob 4 is is an engineer in Los Angeles |
3 | Charlie | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie 4 an artist in Chicago |
4 | Dave | New York City | Scientist | Dave 4 a scientist in Houston |
5 | Eve | LA ####-## | Physician | Eve 4 a physician in Phoenix |
6 | Frank | Philadelphia ####-## | Lawyer | Frank 4 a lawyer in Philadelphia |
7 | Grace | San Jose 9876543210 | Teacher | Grace 4 a teacher in San Antonio |
, str_remove_all()
These functions will remove the first occurence or all occurences of a match, respectively.
@chain df begin
@mutate(split = str_remove_all(Description, "is"))
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description | split |
String | String | String | String | String | |
1 | Alice | New York 2019-20 | Doctor | Alice is a doctor in New York | Alice a doctor in New York |
2 | Bob | Los Angeles 2007-12 2020-21 | Engineer | Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles | Bob an engineer in Los Angeles |
3 | Charlie | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie is an artist in Chicago | Charlie an artt in Chicago |
4 | Dave | New York City | Scientist | Dave is a scientist in Houston | Dave a scientt in Houston |
5 | Eve | LA 2022-23 | Physician | Eve is a physician in Phoenix | Eve a physician in Phoenix |
6 | Frank | Philadelphia 2023-24 | Lawyer | Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia | Frank a lawyer in Philadelphia |
7 | Grace | San Jose 9876543210 | Teacher | Grace is a teacher in San Antonio | Grace a teacher in San Antonio |
Checks if a pattern exists in a string. It takes a string and a pattern as arguments and returns a boolean indicating the presence of the pattern in the string. This can be used inside of @filter
, @mutate
, if_else()
and case_when()
. str_detect
supports logical operators |
and &
. case_when()
with filter()
and str_detect()
@chain df begin
@mutate(Occupation = if_else(str_detect(Occupation, "Doctor | Physician"), "Physician", Occupation))
@filter(str_detect(Description, "artist | doctor"))
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description |
String | String | String | String | |
1 | Alice | New York 2019-20 | Physician | Alice is a doctor in New York |
2 | Charlie | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie is an artist in Chicago |
@chain df begin
@mutate(state = case_when(str_detect(City, "NYC | New York") => "NY",
str_detect(City, "LA | Los Angeles | San & Jose") => "CA", true => "other"))
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description | state |
String | String | String | String | String | |
1 | Alice | New York 2019-20 | Doctor | Alice is a doctor in New York | NY |
2 | Bob | Los Angeles 2007-12 2020-21 | Engineer | Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles | CA |
3 | Charlie | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie is an artist in Chicago | other |
4 | Dave | New York City | Scientist | Dave is a scientist in Houston | NY |
5 | Eve | LA 2022-23 | Physician | Eve is a physician in Phoenix | CA |
6 | Frank | Philadelphia 2023-24 | Lawyer | Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia | other |
7 | Grace | San Jose 9876543210 | Teacher | Grace is a teacher in San Antonio | CA |
Checks if two strings are exactly the same. Takes two strings as arguments and returns a boolean indicating whether the strings are identical.
@chain df begin
@mutate(Same_City = case_when(str_equal(City, Occupation) => "Yes", true => "No"))
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description | Same_City |
String | String | String | String | String | |
1 | Alice | New York 2019-20 | Doctor | Alice is a doctor in New York | No |
2 | Bob | Los Angeles 2007-12 2020-21 | Engineer | Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles | No |
3 | Charlie | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie is an artist in Chicago | No |
4 | Dave | New York City | Scientist | Dave is a scientist in Houston | No |
5 | Eve | LA 2022-23 | Physician | Eve is a physician in Phoenix | No |
6 | Frank | Philadelphia 2023-24 | Lawyer | Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia | No |
7 | Grace | San Jose 9876543210 | Teacher | Grace is a teacher in San Antonio | No |
, str_to_lower()
These will take a string and convert it to all uppercase or lowercase
@chain df begin
@mutate(Names = str_to_upper(Names))
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description |
String | String | String | String | |
1 | ALICE | New York 2019-20 | Doctor | Alice is a doctor in New York |
2 | BOB | Los Angeles 2007-12 2020-21 | Engineer | Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles |
3 | CHARLIE | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie is an artist in Chicago |
4 | DAVE | New York City | Scientist | Dave is a scientist in Houston |
5 | EVE | LA 2022-23 | Physician | Eve is a physician in Phoenix |
6 | FRANK | Philadelphia 2023-24 | Lawyer | Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia |
7 | GRACE | San Jose 9876543210 | Teacher | Grace is a teacher in San Antonio |
Returns the subset of strings that match a pattern. Takes a vector of strings and a pattern as arguments and returns all elements of a string that contains the pattern.
@chain df begin
@mutate(split = str_subset(Description, "artist"))
Row | Names | City | Occupation | Description | split |
String | String | String | String | String | |
1 | Alice | New York 2019-20 | Doctor | Alice is a doctor in New York | |
2 | Bob | Los Angeles 2007-12 2020-21 | Engineer | Bob is is is an engineer in Los Angeles | |
3 | Charlie | San Antonio 1234567890 | Final Artist | Charlie is an artist in Chicago | Charlie is an artist in Chicago |
4 | Dave | New York City | Scientist | Dave is a scientist in Houston | |
5 | Eve | LA 2022-23 | Physician | Eve is a physician in Phoenix | |
6 | Frank | Philadelphia 2023-24 | Lawyer | Frank is a lawyer in Philadelphia | |
7 | Grace | San Jose 9876543210 | Teacher | Grace is a teacher in San Antonio |
This page was generated using Literate.jl.