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Contribute to Documentation¤

Examples are written and rendered using Literate.jl. This allows you to write your example in a .jl file and annotate it with markdown.

Contributing with examples can be done by first creating a new example file in the docs/examples/UserGuide directory:


  • your_new_file.jl at docs/examples/UserGuide/

Once this is done you need to add a new nav entry to the mkdocs.yml file at the bottom at the appropriate level:


Your new entry should look like:

  • "Your title example" : "examples/generated/UserGuide/"

Build docs locally¤

If you want to take a look at the docs locally before doing a PR, then follow the next steps:

Build docs locally

Install the following dependencies in your system via pip, i.e.

  • pip install mkdocs pygments python-markdown-math
  • pip install mkdocs-material pymdown-extensions mkdocstrings
  • pip install mknotebooks pytkdocs_tweaks mkdocs_include_exclude_files jinja2 mkdocs-video

Next you will need to activate the docs environment:

TidierPlots.jl> julia --project=docs/ -e 'using Pkg; pkg"dev ."; Pkg.instantiate()'

Generate files and build the docs by running the following in your terminal:

TidierPlots.jl> julia --project=docs/ --color=yes docs/genfiles.jl
TidierPlots.jl> julia --project=docs/ --color=yes docs/make.jl

Set environment variables

You may want to set additional Julia environment variables before running make.jl. This will enable additional debugging messages while building the docs.

  • ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "Documenter"

Finally, in your terminal, change directory to the docs folder and run:

docs> mkdocs serve

This should output, copy/paste this into your browser and you are all set. You can leave this server running while making changes to the docs. You can open a new terminal and re-run genfiles.jl and make.jl to see the changes.

This page was generated using Literate.jl.