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Stats Files

The functions for reading and writing stats files are made possible by ReadStatTables.jl

reading stats files¤

readdta(filepath; encoding=nothing, colselect=nothing, skip=0, nmax=Inf, numthreads=1) readsas(filepath; encoding=nothing, colselect=nothing, skip=0, nmax=Inf, numthreads=1) readsav(filepath; encoding=nothing, colselect=nothing, skip=0, nmax=Inf, numthreads=1)

These functions read data from Stata (.dta), SAS (.sas7bdat and .xpt), and SPSS (.sav and .por) files into a DataFrame. The arguments are:

  • filepath: The path to the file or a URL pointing to the file. If a URL is provided, the file will be downloaded and then read.
  • encoding: Optional; specifies the encoding of the input file. Default is the package's or function's default.
  • col_select: Optional; allows specifying a subset of columns to read. Can be a vector of column names or indices. Default is nothing (all columns are read).
  • skip: Number of rows to skip at the beginning of the file. Default is 0.
  • n_max: Maximum number of rows to read after skipping. Default is Inf (read all rows).
  • num_threads: Number of concurrent tasks or threads to use for processing. Default is 1.

writing stats files¤

writesav(df, path) writesas(df, path) write_dta(df, path)

These functions write a DataFrame to SPSS (.sav or .por), SAS (.sas7bdat or .xpt), and Stata (.dta) files. The arguments are:

  • df: The DataFrame to be written to a file.
  • path: The path where the file will be created. If a file at this path already exists, it will be overwritten.

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