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Parquet Files

Parquet file reading and writing is powered by Parquet2.jl


read_parquet(path; col_names=true, skip=0, n_max=Inf, col_select=nothing)

This function reads a Parquet (.parquet) file into a DataFrame. The arguments are:

  • path: The path or vector of paths or URLs to the .parquet file.
  • col_names: Indicates if the first row of the file is used as column names. Default is true.
  • skip: Number of initial rows to skip before reading data. Default is 0.
  • n_max: Maximum number of rows to read. Default is Inf (read all rows).
  • col_select: Optional vector of symbols or strings to select which columns to load. Default is nothing (load all columns).


write_parquet(df, path)

This function writes a DataFrame to a Parquet (.parquet) file. The arguments are:

  • df: The DataFrame to be written to a file.
  • path: The path where the .parquet file will be created. If a file at this path already exists, it will be overwritten.
  • Additional arguments for writing parquet files are not outlined here, but should be available through the same interface of Parquet2.writefile. Refer to documentation at their page for further explanation.

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