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TidierDates.jl is a package dedicated to handling dates and times. It focuses on functionality within the lubridate R package. This package was designed to work with TidierData.jl but can also work independently.

This package re-exports Dates.jl.

In addition, this package includes:

  • ymd(), ymd_hms(), ymd_h(), ymd_hm()
  • dmy(), dmy_hms(), dmy_h(), dmy_hm()
  • mdy(), mdy_hms(), mdy_h(), mdy_hm()
  • floor_date()
  • round_date()
  • timediff()
  • now(), today()
  • am(), pm()
  • leap_year()
  • days_in_month()

English, Spanish, Portuguese and French months and abbreviations are supported.