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What is TidierData.jl?¤

TidierData.jl is a 100% Julia implementation of the dplyr and tidyr R packages. Powered by the DataFrames.jl package and Julia’s extensive meta-programming capabilities, TidierData.jl is an R user’s love letter to data analysis in Julia.

TidierData.jl has two goals, which differentiate it from other data analysis meta-packages in Julia:

Stick as closely to tidyverse syntax as possible.

Whereas other meta-packages introduce Julia-centric idioms for working with DataFrames, this package’s goal is to reimplement parts of tidyverse in Julia. This means that TidierData.jl uses tidy expressions as opposed to idiomatic Julia expressions. An example of a tidy expression is a = mean(b). In Julia, a and b are variables and are thus "eagerly" evaluated. This means that if b is merely referring to a column in a data frame and not an object in the global namespace, then an error will be generated because b was not found. In idiomatic Julia, b would need to be expressed as a symbol, or :b. Even then, a = mean(:b) would generate an error because it's not possible to calculate the mean value of a symbol. To handle this using idiomatic Julia, DataFrames.jl introduces a mini-language that relies heavily on the creation of anonymous functions, with explicit directional pairs syntax using a source => function => destination syntax. While this is quite elegant, it can be verbose. TidierData.jl aims to reduce this complexity by exposing an R-like syntax, which is then converted into valid DataFrames.jl code. The reason that tidy expressions are considered valid by Julia in TidierData.jl is because they are implemented using macros. Macros "capture" the expressions they are given, and then they can modify those expressions before evaluating them. For consistency, all top-level dplyr functions are implemented as macros (whether or not a macro is truly needed), and all "helper" functions (used inside of those top-level functions) are implemented as functions or pseudo-functions (functions which only exist through modification of the abstract syntax tree).

Make broadcasting mostly invisible.

Broadcasting trips up many R users switching to Julia because R users are used to most functions being vectorized. TidierData.jl currently uses a lookup table to decide which functions not to vectorize; all other functions are automatically vectorized. Read the documentation page on "Autovectorization" to read about how this works, and how to override the defaults. An example of where this issue commonly causes errors is when centering a variable. To create a new column a that centers the column b, TidierData.jl lets you simply write a = b - mean(b) exactly as you would in R. This works because TidierData.jl knows to not vectorize mean() while also recognizing that - should be vectorized such that this expression is rewritten in DataFrames.jl as :b => (b -> b .- mean(b)) => :a. For any user-defined function that you want to "mark" as being non-vectorized, you can prefix it with a ~. For example, a function new_mean(), if it had the same functionality as mean() would normally get vectorized by TidierData.jl unless you write it as ~new_mean().


For the stable version:

] add TidierData

The ] character starts the Julia package manager. Press the backspace key to return to the Julia prompt.


using Pkg

For the newest version:

] add TidierData#main


using Pkg

What macros and functions does TidierData.jl support?¤

To support R-style programming, TidierData.jl is implemented using macros. This is because macros are able to "capture" the code before executing it, which allows the package to support R-like "tidy expressions" that would otherwise not be considered valid Julia code.

TidierData.jl currently supports the following top-level macros:

Top-level macros:

  • @glimpse() and @head()
  • @select() and @distinct()
  • @rename() and @rename_with()
  • @mutate() and @transmute()
  • @summarize() and @summarise()
  • @filter()
  • @slice(), @slice_sample(), @slice_min(), @slice_max(), @slice_head(), and @slice_tail()
  • @group_by() and @ungroup()
  • @arrange()
  • @relocate()
  • @pull()
  • @count() and @tally()
  • @left_join(), @right_join(), @inner_join(), @full_join(), @anti_join(), and @semi_join()
  • @bind_rows() and @bind_cols()
  • @pivot_wider() and @pivot_longer()
  • @separate(), @separate_rows(), and @unite()
  • @drop_missing() and @fill_missing()
  • @unnest_longer(), @unnest_wider(), and @nest()
  • @clean_names() (as in R's janitor::clean_names() function)
  • @summary() (as in R's summary() function)

TidierData.jl also supports the following helper functions:

Helper functions:

  • across()
  • where()
  • desc()
  • if_else() and case_when()
  • n() and row_number()
  • ntile()
  • lag() and lead()
  • everything(), starts_with(), ends_with(), matches(), and contains()
  • as_float(), as_integer(), and as_string()
  • is_number(), is_float(), is_integer(), and is_string()
  • missing_if() and replace_missing()

See the Reference page for a detailed guide to each of the macros and functions.


Let's select the first five movies in our dataset whose budget exceeds the mean budget. Unlike in R, where we pass an na.rm = TRUE argument to remove missing values, in Julia we wrap the variable with a skipmissing() to remove the missing values before the mean() is calculated.

using TidierData
using RDatasets

movies = dataset("ggplot2", "movies");

@chain movies begin
    @mutate(Budget = Budget / 1_000_000)
    @filter(Budget >= mean(skipmissing(Budget)))
    @select(Title, Budget)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ Title                       Budget   
     │ String                      Float64? 
   1 │ 'Til There Was You              23.0
   2 │ 10 Things I Hate About You      16.0
   3 │ 102 Dalmatians                  85.0
   4 │ 13 Going On 30                  37.0
   5 │ 13th Warrior, The               85.0

What’s new¤

See for the latest updates.

What's missing¤

Is there a tidyverse feature missing that you would like to see in TidierData.jl? Please file a GitHub issue. Because TidierData.jl primarily wraps DataFrames.jl, our decision to integrate a new feature will be guided by how well-supported it is within DataFrames.jl and how likely other users are to benefit from it.