Flexible Syntax and UDFs
TidierDB is unique in its statement parsing flexiblility. This means that using any built in SQL function or user defined functions (or UDFS) or is readily avaialable. To use any function built into a database in @mutate
or in @summarize
, simply correctly write the correctly, but replace '
with "
. This also applies to any UDF. The example below will illustrate UDFs in the context of DuckDB.
# Set up the connection
using TidierDB #rexports DuckDB
db = DuckDB.DB()
con = DuckDB.connect(db) # this will be important for UDFs
mtcars_path = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/seankross/a412dfbd88b3db70b74b/raw/5f23f993cd87c283ce766e7ac6b329ee7cc2e1d1/mtcars.csv"
mtcars = db_tbable(db, mtcars_path);
aggregate function in @summarize
Lets use the DuckDB kurtosis
aggregate function
@chain t(mtcars) begin
@group_by cyl
@summarize(kurt = kurtosis(mpg))
3×2 DataFrame
Row │ cyl kurt
│ Int64? Float64?
1 │ 4 -1.43411
2 │ 6 -1.82944
3 │ 8 0.330061
aggregate functions in @mutate
To aggregate sql functions that are builtin to any database, but exist outside of the TidierDB parser, simply wrap the function call in agg()
@chain t(mtcars) begin
@mutate(kurt = agg(kurtosis(mpg)))
@select cyl mpg kurt
32×3 DataFrame
Row │ cyl mpg kurt
│ Int64? Float64? Float64?
1 │ 8 18.7 0.330061
2 │ 8 14.3 0.330061
3 │ 8 16.4 0.330061
4 │ 8 17.3 0.330061
5 │ 8 15.2 0.330061
6 │ 8 10.4 0.330061
7 │ 8 10.4 0.330061
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
27 │ 6 21.0 -1.82944
28 │ 6 21.4 -1.82944
29 │ 6 18.1 -1.82944
30 │ 6 19.2 -1.82944
31 │ 6 17.8 -1.82944
32 │ 6 19.7 -1.82944
19 rows omitted
DuckDB function chaining¤
In DuckDB, functions can be chained together with .
. TidierDB lets you leverage this.
@chain t(mtcars) begin
@mutate(model2 = model.upper().string_split(" ").list_aggr("string_agg",".").concat("."))
@select model model2
32×2 DataFrame
Row │ model model2
│ String? String?
1 │ Mazda RX4 MAZDA.RX4.
2 │ Mazda RX4 Wag MAZDA.RX4.WAG.
3 │ Datsun 710 DATSUN.710.
4 │ Hornet 4 Drive HORNET.4.DRIVE.
5 │ Hornet Sportabout HORNET.SPORTABOUT.
6 │ Valiant VALIANT.
7 │ Duster 360 DUSTER.360.
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮
27 │ Porsche 914-2 PORSCHE.914-2.
28 │ Lotus Europa LOTUS.EUROPA.
29 │ Ford Pantera L FORD.PANTERA.L.
30 │ Ferrari Dino FERRARI.DINO.
31 │ Maserati Bora MASERATI.BORA.
32 │ Volvo 142E VOLVO.142E.
19 rows omitted
and pseudocolumns¤
When a table is not being read directly from a file, rowid
is avaialable for use. In general, TidierDB should support all pseudocolumns.
copy_to(db, mtcars_path, "mtcars"); # copying table in for demostration purposes
@chain db_table(db, :mtcars) begin
@filter(rowid == 4)
1×5 DataFrame
Row │ model mpg cyl disp hp
│ String? Float64? Int64? Float64? Int64?
1 │ Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360.0 175
UDF SQLite Example¤
using SQLite
sql = connect(sqlite());
df = DataFrame(id = [string('A' + i ÷ 26, 'A' + i % 26) for i in 0:9],
groups = [i % 2 == 0 ? "aa" : "bb" for i in 1:10],
value = repeat(1:5, 2),
percent = 0.1:0.1:1.0);
copy_to(db, sql, "df_mem");
SQLite.@register sql function diff_of_squares(x, y)
x^2 - y^2
@chain db_table(sql, "df_mem") begin
@select(value, percent)
@mutate(plus3 = diff_of_squares(value, percent))
10×3 DataFrame
Row │ value percent plus3
│ Int64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 1 0.1 0.99
2 │ 2 0.2 3.96
3 │ 3 0.3 8.91
4 │ 4 0.4 15.84
5 │ 5 0.5 24.75
6 │ 1 0.6 0.64
7 │ 2 0.7 3.51
8 │ 3 0.8 8.36
9 │ 4 0.9 15.19
10 │ 5 1.0 24.0
How to create UDF in DuckDB¤
Example coming soon..
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