Working With Larger than RAM Datasets

While using the DuckDB backend, TidierDB's lazy intferace enables querying datasets larger than your available RAM.

To illustrate this, we will recreate the Hugging Face x Polars example. The final table results are shown below and in this Hugging Face x DuckDB example

First we will load TidierDB, set up a local database and then set the URLs for the 2 training datasets from

using TidierDB
db = connect(duckdb())

urls = ["",

Here, we pass the vector of URLs to db_table, which will not copy them into memory. Since these datasets are so large, we will also set stream = true in @collect to stream the results. If we wanted to read all the files in the folder we could have replace the 0000 with * (wildcard) db_table(db, "Path/to/folder/*.parquet") Of note, reading these files from URLs is not as rapid as reading them from local files.

@chain db_table(db, urls) begin
    @summarise(count = n(), avg_blog_length = mean(length(text)))
    @aside @show_query _
    @collect(stream = true)

Placing @aside @show_query _ before @collect above lets us see the SQL query and collect it to a local DataFrame at the same time.

SELECT horoscope, COUNT(*) AS count, AVG(length(text)) AS avg_blog_length
        FROM read_parquet(['', ''])
        GROUP BY horoscope
        ORDER BY avg_blog_length DESC
12×3 DataFrame
 Row │ horoscope    count   avg_blog_length
     │ String?      Int64?  Float64?
   1 │ Aquarius      49568         1125.83
   2 │ Cancer        63512         1097.96
   3 │ Libra         60304         1060.61
   4 │ Capricorn     49402         1059.56
   5 │ Sagittarius   50431         1057.46
   6 │ Leo           58010         1049.6
   7 │ Taurus        61571         1022.69
   8 │ Gemini        52925         1020.26
   9 │ Scorpio       56495         1014.03
  10 │ Pisces        53812         1011.75
  11 │ Virgo         64629          996.684
  12 │ Aries         69134          918.081

To learn more about memory efficient queries on larger than RAM files, this blog from DuckDB will help maximize your local db

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