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Reusing a Query (and Views)

While using TidierDB, you may need to generate part of a query and reuse it multiple times. There are two ways to do this

  1. from_query(query) or its alias t(query)
  2. @create_view(name)


import TidierDB as DB
con = DB.connect(DB.duckdb())
mtcars_path = ""
mtcars = DB.db_table(con, mtcars_path);

Start a query to analyze fuel efficiency by number of cylinders. However, to further build on this query later, end the chain without using @show_query or @collect

query = DB.@chain DB.t(mtcars) begin
    DB.@group_by cyl
    DB.@summarize begin
        across(mpg, (mean, minimum, maximum))
        num_cars = n()
    DB.@mutate begin
        efficiency = case_when(
            mpg_mean >= 25, "High",
            mpg_mean >= 15, "Moderate",
            "Low" )

from_query() or t(query)¤

Now, from_query, or t() a convienece wrapper, will allow you to reuse the query to calculate the average horsepower for each efficiency category

DB.@chain DB.t(query) begin
   DB.@left_join(DB.t(mtcars), cyl)
   DB.@summarize(avg_hp = mean(hp))
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ efficiency  avg_hp
     │ String?     Float64?
   1 │ Moderate    180.238
   2 │ High         82.6364


This can also be done with @create_view.

query2 = @chain DB.t(mtcars) DB.@filter(mpg>20) DB.@mutate(mpg = mpg *4);
DB.@chain  DB.t(mtcars) begin
           DB.@group_by cyl
           DB.@summarize begin
               across(mpg, (mean, minimum, maximum))
               num_cars = n()
           DB.@mutate begin
               efficiency = case_when(
                   mpg_mean >= 25, "High",
                   mpg_mean >= 15, "Moderate",
                   "Low" )

DB.@chain DB.db_table(con, "viewer") begin
           DB.@left_join(DB.t(query2), cyl == cyl)
           DB.@summarize(avg_mean = mean(mpg), _by = efficiency)
           DB.@mutate(mean = avg_mean / 4 )
           @aside DB.@show_query _
2×3 DataFrame
 Row  efficiency  avg_mean  mean
      String      Float64   Float64
   1  High        106.655   26.6636
   2  Moderate     84.5333  21.1333

Preview or save an intermediate table¤

While querying a dataset, you may wish to see an intermediate table, or even save it. You can use @aside and from_query(_), illustrated below, to do just that. While we opted to print the results in this simple example below, we could have saved them by using name = DB.@chain...

import ClickHouse;
conn = conn = DB.connect(DB.clickhouse(); host="localhost", port=19000, database="default", user="default", password="")
path = ""
DB.@chain DB.db_table(conn, path) begin
   @aside println(DB.@chain DB.from_query(_) DB.@head(5) DB.@collect)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ artists  count
     │ String?  UInt64
   1 │ missing       1
   2 │ Wizo          3
   3 │ MAGIC!        3
   4 │ Macaco        1
   5 │ SOYOU         1
31438×2 DataFrame
   Row │ artists          count
       │ String?          UInt64
     1 │ The Beatles         279
     2 │ George Jones        271
     3 │ Stevie Wonder       236
     4 │ Linkin Park         224
     5 │ Ella Fitzgerald     222
     6 │ Prateek Kuhad       217
     7 │ Feid                202
   ⋮   │        ⋮           ⋮
 31432 │ Leonard               1
 31433 │ marcos g              1
 31434 │ BLVKSHP               1
 31435 │ Memtrix               1
 31436 │ SOYOU                 1
 31437 │ Macaco                1
 31438 │ missing               1
               31424 rows omitted

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