Joining Tables
This page will illustrate how to join different tables in TidierDB. The examples will use the mtcars
dataset and a synthetic dataset called mt2
hosted on a personal MotherDuck instance. Examples will cover how to join tables with different schemas in different databases, and how to write queries on tables and then join them together, and how to do this by levaraging views.
using TidierDB
db = connect(duckdb(), "md:")
mtcars = db_table(db, "my_db.mtcars")
mt2 = db_table(db, "ducks_db.mt2")
Wrangle tables and self join¤
query = @chain t(mtcars) begin
@group_by cyl
@summarize begin
across(mpg, (mean, minimum, maximum))
num_cars = n()
@mutate begin
efficiency = case_when(
mpg_mean >= 25, "High",
mpg_mean >= 15, "Moderate",
"Low" )
query2 = @chain t(mtcars) @filter(mpg>20) @mutate(mpg = mpg *4);
@chain t(query) begin
@left_join(t(query2), cyl, cyl)
@summarize(avg_mean = mean(mpg))
@mutate(mean = avg_mean / 4 )
@aside @show_query _
2×3 DataFrame
Row │ efficiency avg_mean mean
│ String Float64 Float64
1 │ High 106.655 26.6636
2 │ Moderate 84.5333 21.1333
Different schemas¤
To connect to a table in a different schema, prefix it with a dot. For example, "schemaname.tablename". In this query, we are also filtering out cars that contain "M" in the name from the mt2
table before joining.
other_db = @chain db_table(db, "ducks_db.mt2") @filter(!str_detect(car, "M"))
@chain t(mtcars) begin
@left_join(t(other_db), car, model)
@select(car, model)
5×2 DataFrame
Row │ car model
│ String String
1 │ Datsun 710 Datsun 710
2 │ Hornet 4 Drive Hornet 4 Drive
3 │ Hornet Sportabout Hornet Sportabout
4 │ Valiant Valiant
5 │ Duster 360 Duster 360
To join directly to the table, you can use the @left_join
macro with the table name as a string.
@chain t(mtcars) begin
@left_join("ducks_db.mt2", car, model)
@select(car, model)
5×2 DataFrame
Row │ car model
│ String String
1 │ Mazda RX4 Mazda RX4
2 │ Mazda RX4 Wag Mazda RX4 Wag
3 │ Datsun 710 Datsun 710
4 │ Hornet 4 Drive Hornet 4 Drive
5 │ Hornet Sportabout Hornet Sportabout
Using a View¤
You can also use @create_view
to create views and then join them. This is an alternate reuse complex queries.
# notice, this is not begin saved, bc a view is created in the database at the end of the chain
@chain t(mtcars) begin
@group_by cyl
@summarize begin
across(mpg, (mean, minimum, maximum))
num_cars = n()
@mutate begin
efficiency = case_when(
mpg_mean >= 25, "High",
mpg_mean >= 15, "Moderate",
"Low" )
#create a view in the database
# access the view like as if it was any other table
@chain db_table(db, "viewer") begin
@left_join(t(query2), cyl, cyl)
@summarize(avg_mean = mean(mpg))
@mutate(mean = avg_mean / 4 )
2×3 DataFrame
Row │ efficiency avg_mean mean
│ String Float64 Float64
1 │ High 106.655 26.6636
2 │ Moderate 84.5333 21.1333
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