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Using Databricks

Establishing a connection with the Databricks SQL Rest API requires a token.


Connection is established with the connect function as shown below. Connection requires 5 items as strings

One thing to note, Since each time db_table runs, it runs a query to pull the metadata, you may choose to use run db_table and save the results, and use these results with from_query(). This will reduce the number of queries to your database and is illustrated below.

instance_id = "string_id"
token "string_token"
warehouse_id = "e673cd4f387f964a"
con = connect(:databricks, instance_id, token, "DEMODB", "PUBLIC", warehouse_id)
# After connection is established, a you may begin querying.
stable_table_metadata = db_table(con, "mtcars")
@chain from_query(stable_table_metadata) begin
   @mutate(test = wt *2)
   #@aside @show_query _
32×2 DataFrame
 Row │ wt       test
     │ Float64  Float64
   1 │   2.62     5.24
   2 │   2.875    5.75
   3 │   2.32     4.64
   4 │   3.215    6.43
  ⋮  │    ⋮        ⋮
  29 │   3.17     6.34
  30 │   2.77     5.54
  31 │   3.57     7.14
  32 │   2.78     5.56
         24 rows omitted

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