Using Athena
To use the Athena AWS backend with TidierDB, set up and a small syntax difference are covered here.
Connection is established through AWS.jl as shwon below.
using TidierDB, AWS
# Replace your credentials as needed below
aws_access_key_id = get(ENV,"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID","key")
aws_secret_access_key = get(ENV, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY","secret_key")
aws_region = get(ENV,"AWS_DEFAULT_REGION","region")
const AWS_GLOBAL_CONFIG = Ref{AWS.AWSConfig}()
creds = AWSCredentials(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key)
AWS_GLOBAL_CONFIG[] = AWS.global_aws_config(region=aws_region, creds=creds)
catalog = "AwsDataCatalog"
workgroup = "primary"
db = "demodb"
all_results = true
results_per_increment = 10
out_loc = "s3://location/"
athena_params = Dict(
"ResultConfiguration" => Dict(
"OutputLocation" => out_loc
"QueryExecutionContext" => Dict(
"Database" => db,
"Catalog" => catalog
"Workgroup" => workgroup
There are two differences for db_table
which are seen in the query below
- The table needs to be passed as a string in the format database.table, ie
requires a third argument: the athena_params from above.
Leveraging from_query
with Athena to reduce number of queries¤
Throughout TidierDB, each time db_table
is called, it queries the databases to get the metadata. Consider how AWS Athena logs queries, a user may want to reduce the number of queries. This can be done saving the results of db_table
, and then using from_query with those results for furthe queries as shown below.
mtcars = db_table(AWS_GLOBAL_CONFIG[], "demodb.mtcars", athena_params)
@chain from_query(mtcars) begin
@filter(cyl > 4)
@summarize(mpg = mean(mpg))
2×2 DataFrame
Row │ cyl mpg
│ Int64 Float64
1 │ 6 19.7429
2 │ 8 15.1
I would like to acknowledge the work of Manu Francis and this blog post, which helped guide this process
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